Milan | Dry Cocktails & Pizza

From the makers, the movers and shakers, of Pisacco and sharing the same plan to serve up affordable quality in low-pressure, contemporary surroundings, Dry Cocktails & Pizza is one of the coolest addresses in Milan right now. No irony lost in the name they hit on, since this is cocktail heaven as well as pizza paradise. Keeping it simple, Dry does just drinks and mostly cocktails masterfully mixed by a expert team led by Guglielmo Miriello, back and inspired after a long tour in Shanghai, and some of the city’s best focaccia and pizza: Neapolitan style, light, crisp and fragrant as prescribed by Simone Lombardi and his crew in the kitchen.

Simple décor too, or deceptively so: some old-style, a little post-industrial, a lot of chic, and perfect lighting – or maybe it’s the second cocktail that just gives everything that lovely warm fuzz… All this strategically located in one of the trendiest neighbourhoods, inching north from Brera: just up the road from Pisacco in fact. Amazing atmosphere. I had a top-notch pizza with my pop-up group of friends Cecilia, Silvia and Mario. But the hero of the hour was definitely barman Alessandro who cooked up the best Moscow Mule this side of the Volga: he’s worth his weight in platinum!