Savelletri | Anyone for Golf?

You could be forgiven for not associating southern Italy with golf, just this once.

Palermo | In Garibaldi’s Footsteps

When in Palermo do what everyone else does: try out the Antica Focacceria San Francesco.

Coriano | Rehab with Taste

Squisito! offers workshops with experts and tastings of the finest products

Rome | Recalling Pasolini

Necci has a familiar, home-from-home feel about it; enough going on, enough clutter to be informal and put you at ease.

Milan | A Literary Haunt

Plumb in the middle of Milan’s hustle and bustle, a quiet retreat for coffee or a light lunch could be priceless.

Vico Equense | All On Board

It’s an ode to quiet simplicity, its luxury relying on the essential familiarity of the décor

Rome | Or Marrakesh?

Recently opened and gathering acclaim, Riad Nour is the first and only Moroccan restaurant in Rome.

Milan | Blind Date

Some things are just better done in the dark. But cocktails without a glimmer of light? Dinner in total obscurity?

Quarrata | Hot Chocolate

At Quarrata, just a stone’s throw from Pistoia, Riccardo and Massimiliano Lunardi took over their father’s bakery.